MINISTRY Rental Service | LED Screens, Lasers, Sound, Stages,

  • » MINISTRY Rental Service provided technical equipment for TRANSMISSION - The Spirit of the Warrior!

    dátum vloženia: 05.12.2017

    At 25.11.2017 in O2 arena in Prague was held another edition of TRANSMISSION, where MINISTRY Rental Service supplied technical equipment!

    On TRANSMISSION we had lighting with more then 240 inteligent lightning effects from brands like CLAY-PAKY, MARTIN but also completely new ROBE rotating heads - Mega Pointe (24pcs) which we own as only one company in Slovakia! MINISTRY RENTAL Service supplied 280mLED screens P3,9 and P6 from which the highest had 15meters, we provided complete laser show by 24 high power lasers (22 full colors)!

    Checkout the photoreport from Prague O2 arena.


  • » MINISTRY Rental Service na Megakoncert Helena Vondrackova in Bratislava!

    dátum vloženia: 27.11.2017

    MINISTRY Rental Service 21th of October 2017 provided complete technical equipment for sold out MEGACONCERT of Helena Vondrackova at winter stadium Ondrej Nepela in Bratislava.

    For Megakoncert MINISTRY RENTAL Service supplied LED screens for whole scene in resolution 4K, light effects, complete video and light design, complete  sound on winter stadium and complete stage equipment!


  • » Laser show on Transmission Bangkok/Thailand by MINISTRY Rental Service!

    dátum vloženia: 03.07.2017

    MINISTRY Rental Service supplied Transmission in Bangkok/Thailand with 18 lasers including complete Laser show. The Transmission took place for the first time in Bangkok/Thailand (10.3.2017).

    After Australia, Thailand is already the second country in which our company provided complete laser show for Transmission!


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